Inspired By: Victoria Jones Music

At Travel Patterns, we have a high value for celebrating, encouraging, and showcasing small businesses. Yes, we do this because we are a small business, but also because we believe in the importance of championing people who make the brave decisions to take heart and take flight with their dreams! Also, our team is also continuously inspired and encouraged by the courage & creativity, we have seen in entrepreneurs who are showing up every day, just like us! We know from experience that running a small business isn’t just about a product or a service, but it is also about the story of a person and their family, the legacy of a craft, and the furthering of a passion. This is why we decided that we were going to do our part to showcase some of the small business (both near and far!) that inspire us and tell the story of the people who created them.

Today we are introducing you to the talented Victoria Jones, a singer/songwriter (as well as a Vocal Instructor!!) based in Huntsville, AL. We can’t wait for you to read more of her story and get the opportunity to learn why she is so passionate about what she does!

Welcome Victoria! Tell us about yourself:

VICTORIA: My name is Victoria Jones and I am a singer/songwriter with a soulful blend of neo-soul, r&b and pop. I have a passion for conveying the deep, articulating emotion and connecting with people through music. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do and I have been so grateful that God has entrusted me with a colorful life within music. I come from a family of four and am the only musically inclined person within my immediate family. Outside of music, I love to cook, dance, travel, and make memories with the people I love.

How did you get your idea or concept for your business?

VICTORIA: I got my idea and concept for my music business by studying corporate America and the music industry. When I learned that record deals and companies were equivalent high interest loans and loan officers, I knew that I wanted to do music my own way and have ownership of what I create and how I go about sharing it. I want to lead a life in music that shows what all it can do; music/music business can be versatile and can appeal to mainstream fans and audiences, but it also be sophisticated and appeal corporate entities, local community and government as well as educational settings.


What is unique about you that is incorporated into your business?

VICTORIA: True artistic transparency is something that is unique about my business. Beyond the glitz and the glamour that surrounds what I do in music, I love showing people the raw process behind my creative work and sometimes showing them my day to day. I feel it helps people to have a deeper connection to me as a person and have a deeper revelation behind my message within my music.

What is a risk you have taken in your business and was it worth it?

VICTORIA: A risk that I have taken for my business (and continually take) is my own financial investment within my musical works and projects. We have all heard the saying, “it takes money to make money” and oftentimes I have to invest my own money into my musical works and business and sometimes not know what my full return on investment will be. Though it is a continual risk, full of ebb and flow, it has been worth it every time; I am blessed to be able to create the music that I am most proud of and share it with the world.


How do you celebrate wins in your business?

VICTORIA: I celebrate my wins but shouting them out from the rooftops and storing memorabilia. I love sharing my process and wins with others and I love taking pictures, collecting publications/articles that I may have featured in. They help me remember where I’ve been and how far I’ve come. They also reassure me that God is the one forever writing my story, both in my personal life and within my business.

What do you love about being a female entrepreneur?

VICTORIA: The thing that I love most about being a female entrepreneur is that I get to do the “nitty gritty” work with passion, fashion, charisma and a womanly heart that seeks to encourage and uplift people at the same time. I get to be “bossy” and I get to be vulnerable. I get to be strong, confident and accessible. In short, love the dynamics of being a female and I love that I can take the strengths of womanhood and incorporate it within business.

How do you engage your local community in your business?

VICTORIA: I engage my local community by showing them they have a place in my story. Truthfully, as business owners, we all come from somewhere. Yes, our hard work may take us places but oftentimes our successes comes from the surrounding community that first took a chance in purchasing our services or featuring us on their platform, so essentially, I engage my local community by sharing my wins (and losses) and showcasing how they have been a part of the process.


Take Heart. Take Flight.

Our motto - Take Heart. Take Flight. - calls us to courageously search for who we were meant to be, to break free of the fears holding us back, and to boldly pursue the daring adventure set before us. How are you living this motto in your business & life?

VICTORIA: As a performance-oriented person, I take heart by dispelling mental lies that I am simply what I do. I have to believe that I am more than my talents and past accomplishments. I then take flight by risking my personal time, finance and creativity to yield products, services, music and Art that in turn edifies and inspires people in the end.

Connect with Victoria:


Instagram: @v_c_j

Facebook: Victoria Jones

Youtube: Victoria Jones