Behind the Seams: The Inspiration Behind our Threads Photoshoot

Behind the Scenes of Travel Patterns Photoshoot

When planning for our brand photoshoots, we find inspiration in our artisan partners, our global travels, and the everyday objects around us. For our “Threads” photoshoot, we also drew inspiration from this Vincent Van Gogh quote,

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

- Vincent van Gogh

His words resonate so deeply for us on many levels. Our partners bring our textiles to life with individual threads intricately woven together. Small and tedious motions made with tradition, skill, and patience.

At the beginning of the weaving process nothing makes sense, the backstrap loom is a complicated arrangement of yarn balls and sticks - but in the end each single thread becomes a part of the whole. Organization is born from chaos.

And aren’t our personal journeys like that as well? In my life journey, I can sometimes see glimpses of the whole, but most of the time it’s fuzzy and all I can do it take one single step ahead. But slowly, one step at a time, one thread at time, you can look back and see the beautiful tapestry that was being woven. Slowly, slowly the small things are being brought together.

That is what keeps me going every day and why the woven textiles of our partners are so inspiring. This work is a labor of love worth the time and energy taken to make it a beautiful whole.

For our Threads shoot, we were inspired to physically show the chaotic threads and patterns that make up both our lives and our products with our models.

So we wrapped our beautiful models with yarn and added glimpses of pattern onto their faces.

Behind the Scenes: Travel Patterns Photoshoot
Behind the Scenes: Travel Patterns Photoshoot

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Behind the Scenes: Travel Patterns Photoshoot

Thank you to Meghan Medlen for taking these beautiful images, and to Preservation Company for allowing us to shoot in your inspiring space.

And thank you to Aissa Castillo, Amber Harris, Xanthia McCaul, and Zoe Wilkerson for using your talents and gifts to model for us.