TRAVEL PATTERNS | Eclectically curated goods from around the world.

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Baggage Claim: The Philippines with Aissa Castillo

Travel and experiencing our world is one of the foundational pillars of this company, and each of you have incredible journeys to inspire us, and knowledge that we hope to learn from. Through this series, we hope to share insights from women like you as they travel our globe bolding pursuing their daring life adventures.

Today’s contributor is Aissa Castillo. She is a freelance stylist and the creative behind the fashion blog, Aislerchic. Originally from the Philippines, Aissa is able to show us not only best inside knowledge, but she also has a deep connection to the country and its beautiful scenery and people.


Tell us a little about yourself.

AISSA: Hi! I am Aissa Castillo. I was born and raised in The Philippines and came to the states at 19 to attend college. I have been living in Huntsville, AL for 16 years with my husband, two boys and our sweet pup - Ms. Colette.

I recently left a job I had for 13 years and am currently on an exciting adventure with new career paths. I like to spend my spare time hanging out with my family, or exploring new places in and around town.


Where are you off to next and why?

AISSA: We have several potential destinations planned, but none set in stone just yet. Travel plans include, a weekend in Nashville to check out some new restaurants with the family, a weekend in New Orleans to visit friends we haven't seen since the pandemic started, and Los Angeles for Fall Break to visit my parents and my sweet brother.


As an avid traveler, what are your go-to travel hacks?

AISSA: You don't have to pack a different outfit for each day. Select styles that you can mix and match throughout your entire trip to create new looks. That way you'll have more room for shopping at your destination. Ha!


What’s your favorite travel souvenir?

AISSA: I like purchasing something that my destination is known for so it really depends! I like to pick up capiz items from the Philippines or Talavera pottery from Mexico.


We’ve all had that neighbor who does THAT THING… What’s your biggest plane etiquette pet peeve?

AISSA: Taking over both armrests!


On the airplane I tend to…

AISSA: I usually try to catch up on movies I didn’t have time to see in the theatre. I remember watching at least 10 movies during our flight to the Philippines a couple of years ago.


Do you get to the airport 4 hours early or get there just in time to walk on the plane?

AISSA: I like to get to places early, just in case something comes up. I don’t think it is because I am nervous — I just like to be prepared!


Favorite thing you did on your last trip to the Philippines?

AISSA: My favorite thing was paddle boarding in Boracay. My husband had our youngest son on his board, my oldest son was with my mom, and I had my dad on mine. I was giggling the whole time while Dad complained about us not moving as fast as the others. The reason why was because his legs were dangling over the board and into the water slowing us down. Ha!


Food/snack/beverage we shouldn’t miss from your travel destination?

AISSA: I would say Halo Halo (which translates to mix mix in English). Practically it is simply shaved ice with fruits, ice cream, milk and flan. It is the perfect treat on a hot day that you can get almost anywhere, but my favorite place from our recent trip was Manam.


Do you plan everything down to the date, time and place where you will be each day on your journey, or are you a more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” traveler?

AISSA: It really depends on where I am going and the purpose of my trip. If it's a big trip with the family, I try to plan everything out to the minute to be sure we get the most out of our trip. However, we also have random spontaneous trips where we just decide as we go.


Tell us what’s in your bag! What is your go-to Travel Patterns item, and how do you use it?

AISSA: I love all the Travel Patterns Signature clutches. I always take at least one during my travels. The vibrant colors and textures is the perfect addition to any outfit.


Our motto - Take Heart. Take Flight. - calls us to courageously search for who we were meant to be, to break free of the fears holding us back, and to boldly pursue the daring adventure set before us. Tell us how you are living this motto in your life.

AISSA: This resonates with me so much more now than ever. I took a very big leap a couple of months ago when I left my job of 13 years to take priority at what I value the most: Time with my family. It was a very scary decision, but I know that it was the right one to make at this season of my life.


This is how you can stay in touch with Aissa!


Instagram: @aislerchic

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